Monday, April 23, 2007

I Get It Now . . .

I get it now - shopping online. All the perks of shopping without sore feet. Nice.
I shopped yesterday in the mall. Five stores in under two hours. Not a dress in sight that I would purchase. Sore feet, sore legs and mega sore surgery sites. So I hit the catalogs. Online. A first for me.
Don't get me wrong I've shopped online before - books. That is a piece of cake. And I'm online all day. My one connection to the world. Love that email. But purchase clothes. No go. I like
to try them on and see what fits or not. I'm not good at reading the descriptions or understanding them. I don't quite get the fabric names and descriptions. Or understand how you measure. I am used to seeing it on a rack and trying it on.
So I had an unexpected bonus. I shopped with my mother-in-law online. Now here is a woman who understands clothes. We don't have the same the taste in clothes but I respect her opinion on what looks good on me. And she accepts that I am a flower child at heart. For more
than an hour we looked at dress after dress - some worked and others didn't. We both agreed (yes, I said both) on a beautiful dress that I promptly ordered - even if the color we decided wasn't available when I ordered.
What a nice bonus, shopping with my mother in law -- all the focus on the good parts of shopping. I did miss the soft pretzels and coffee that usually comes with the mall.
I get it now. Although, I haven't seen what I ordered.

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