If you read the earlier post, you know that I am in deep trouble. Perhaps not as bad as a large aggressive tumor growing in my lung -- but it feels that way. It is probably because I was lulled into the quiet of three successfull scan.
It has really bothered me. More than I care to admit to myself. In fact, I really want to take whatever I can lay my hands on and throw it. With the satisfying sound of something breaking. Damn! I can't believe this is happening again.
Ok, that felt better. I am starting to view this as free therapy!
So, I really need to look at the positive. Look at what is funny or unique about this. My aunt had a good view on the self injections. She stated that this was my opportunity to face my biggest fear. I told her she was full of shit.
Tonight was not that hard. Yes, it hurt like the devil but it was easier and faster. The bruising in the belly is really minimal. Yeah!
Another positive. Giving myself shots is certainly easier than chemotherapy or open heart surgery. Duh.
Another positive. I now know what a junkie looks like with tracks everywhere. I could spot them anywhere. I could look for a career as a narc.
I'm on a roll. Positive again. This forces me to continue to take my happy pills.
Biggest positive. I got see the cute surgeon again - and he hugged me!
Bigger positive. My personal McDreamy drove madly 1000 miles just to be with me and turn around to drive me home.
I really love my husband.
OMG Ann, I am so sorry. That sounds like a serious dose of no fun. Good luck with everything . You are in my paryers this Easter.
Okay you have a terrific husband!!!! Mine probably would have cussed the whole way home.. HA HA As always your in my prayers. Call if you need anything. I'm only a block away.
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