I am in the final editing process of the book titled Seriously God, How Do I Sit on the Toilet? I love that title. Wow, it really does take time to work up a good title. I have been through so many as evidenced by the number of revisions with different names all in the same folder marked 'Memoir.'
I emailed the manuscript to a good friend. I know that my writing style is casual. I think that can be forgiven. The difficult part though is the frequent switching between today and the past. The chapters are inconsistent in size as well. I hope that it is considered quirky -- which is a good word to describe myself. She hasn't responded yet but that could be good news. Perhaps she has the flu and not up to reading this incredible literary masterpiece. HAHAHAHAH Or perhaps she is filed in the circular file. Either way, I am moving ahead on the assumption that the work is good. Yes, I know what they say about assumptions but what the heck.
I joined Writer's Market and began the process of finding a publisher and/or literary agent. I am leaning toward agent. Perhaps that is the route I need to take this time. They all take email submissions now. Much easier than my last book with the reams of paper and stamps. Now you receive immediate rejection via an impersonal email.
I will let you know how it goes.
But here is my first paragraph to my query letter. I think I may have nailed it:
As a cancer survivor, mother of an autistic child and woman of faith, I experienced life from the critical to the hilarious. In my 145,000 word inspirational memoir with the proposed title, Seriously God, How Do I Sit on the Toilet?, I chronicle my survival of cancer using the lessons taught my autistic son.
The experts all want copy that could be on the back of the book. Concise, smart and a reflection of the work. I hope I got it right!
Keep you posted!